Family summer games
If you’re having a picnic at the park or a family barbeque or simply want to have some fun in the sunshine with the kids, then have a go at some of our summer games; you’ll have plenty of laughs!


Sack race
Have a sack race! This will definitely bring back some old school memories.

You’ll need:
One large hessian sack per person
A large space to race in
You can buy sack race sets from retailers such as Argos or if you don’t want to spend too much money, then old pillow cases would be suitable for the kids.

How to play:
1. Create a starting line and a finish line.
2. Line up and stand inside your sacks at the starting line.
3. Hold onto the sack with both hands and jump towards the finish line.
4. Whoever jumps across the finish line first wins!

You could even do this in pairs if you dare for extra laughs with two people in each sack!

Blanket race
Have fun with every member of the family with the blanket race. The aim of the game is to drag your partner (who will be sitting on a blanket) across the finish line first.

You’ll need:
Plenty of old blankets
A large space to race in

How to play:
1. In your group, get into pairs.
2. Allocate a blanket to each pair.
3. Create a starting line and a finish line.
4. At your starting line, decide who will be sitting on the blanket and who will be dragging the blanket.
5. Then race – whoever crosses the finish line first wins!

Water balloon wooden spoon race
This is a great game for all the family. Just be prepared to get wet!

You’ll need:
A selection of wooden spoons
Water balloons

How to play:
1. Fill up the water balloons with water.
2. Create a starting line and a finish line.
3. At the starting line, place the wooden spoons on the floor evenly spaced out.
4. Put a water balloon on each spoon.
5. Each player should pick up a wooden spoon.
6. Then race, whoever crosses the finish line first without dropping their water balloon wins!

Water balloon piñatas
Water balloon piñatas are brilliant to cool off the kids when it’s getting a bit too hot.

You’ll need:
Water balloons
Clothes pegs
Washing line

How to play:
1. Fill up the water balloons with water.
2. Hang them on your washing line using clothes pegs.
3. Once all the water balloons are hung up, line your party members up in single file, about 3 metres away.
4. One at a time, using a bat, they must attempt to hit the water balloons whilst blindfolded. By the end, everyone will be soaking!