Park super star, Claire, earns over £3,000 in bonuses for Christmas 2024!

One super savvy Park Christmas Saver has well and truly topped up their Christmas pot this year, simply by recommending Park, using social media.


16 May, 2024

Claire Jones from Newcastle is an avid Facebook fan and last year in a quest to save more money, after realising how easy it was to plan for Christmas with Park, joined a closed Facebook group with over 8,000 members.

The group is filled with members sharing “found” high-street bargains from the likes of B&M, Home Bargains and The Range, alongside money-saving tips, the latest supermarket offers and comparison shops.

Claire, 37, said

“The group came alive during Christmas shopping and school uniform buying time, I couldn’t keep up with the notifications, but every one that came through was brilliant. It was so helpful, especially as a mum of two children in primary school.”

Having been a Park customer for 4 years and loving the Park planning experience, using the tips she found in the group, Claire was able to make her Love2shop Gift Cards go further than ever before. With the tree decorated and presents wrapped, Claire decided she would share her secret to a stress-free Christmas in the group that had helped her make the most of that year’s saving. So, she put up a post that shared a link from her Park account to ‘Refer a Friend and get £10’ – and she’s very glad she did!

“I’d never posted in the group before, only read the other posts and comments, but I knew how much Park helps me every year and thought it could definitely help plenty of others too. I didn’t expect such a response on my post, but so many people commented to say they’d either used my link or were already saving with Park!” Claire shared with us, when asked about the post.

Using the nursery worker’s personal ‘Refer a Friend’ link, 386 people have signed up through Claire’s post, setting up their own accounts and have started saving for Christmas 2024.

As a result, Claire has earnt over £3,000 in bonuses, simply for sharing the secret of a Park Christmas, with fellow bargain hunters, with each of them also receiving a bonus for signing up!

If you think you have friends, family, colleagues, Facebook or Instagram communities that would benefit like you do by saving with Park, get your personal Refer a Friend link here and share it with them to get them planning ahead for Christmas 2024. It’s never too late to get organised for a stress-free Christmas!