Have you ever had a go at making your own party decorations? There are tonnes of fun decorations that you can make that are really straight forward. Here are a few ideas to assist you on your creative journey.


What you will need?

• Printed triangle bunting template.
• Coloured or patterned card or fabric.
• Tough card (cereal box card is great).
• Pencil.
• Scissors.
• Hole punch.
• Ribbon or string.

What do you do?

1. Print out a triangle bunting template, which are freely available to download online.
2. Cut the template out and punch a hole in each corner (holes are printed on the templates).
3. Take the tough card and draw around the paper template onto the card and mark where the holes are. Cut out the template that you’ve just drawn.
4. Draw the triangle flags onto your coloured card or fabric using the card template, again marking the position of the holes.
5. Cut out the coloured triangles and punch the holes.
6. Cut a length of ribbon or string and tie a knot in one end.
7. From the opposite end to the knot, thread the ribbon or string through the triangles.


What do you need?

• Coloured ribbon or paper.
• Scissors.
• Sticky tape.

What do you do?

1. Take the coloured paper and cut into length way strips about 3cm wide, or cut a length of ribbon.
2. Take the scissors and carefully run the blade down the paper or ribbon several times until it curls and twists.
3. When your streamers are curled, use sticky tape to dangly from doors or the ceiling.

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(Image: www.craftingagreenworld.com)