The plank

The plank is a great total-body exercise because it improves your core strength and stability. It can also help shape your arms, bottom and thighs. Because your body stays in the same position for the whole of the move, you don’t need a lot of space to perform it and it doesn’t require equipment – so you can do the plank just about anywhere!

1. Begin by kneeling on all fours on your exercise mat.
2. Ensure your hands are on the floor directly under your shoulders.
3. Straighten and stretch your legs back one at a time, so that your weight is shifted to your toes.
4. Keeping your arms straight, raise your body, toes on the floor (see picture).
5. Your body should stay in a straight line with your torso rigid. Engage your ab muscles – imagine there’s a belt tightening around your waist, pulling your ab muscles inwards.
6. Your head should be relaxed and facing the floor.
7. Hold this position for 10 seconds (over time, you can keep increasing this).
8. Do 3 reps.

The forearm plank

In this variation, use your forearms to hold your body, rather than just your hands. Keep your elbows shoulder-distance apart and keep your arms on the ground from elbow to wrist.


  • Use an exercise mat
  • Keep your back straight
  • Don’t forget to breathe!