As a full time carer, Gaynor Morgan rarely gets a spare moment to herself. So we were pleased she found the time to put pen to paper and tell us how Park has helped make her life a little easier.

Caring for somebody full time is demanding, both physically and mentally. For Gaynor, it’s far more emotionally draining. She is a round-the-clock carer for her disabled son Barry.

“I’ve been a carer for my son for 28 years,” said Gaynor. “It’s easy to become isolated because of the 24 hour support you give, and I certainly found things tough for a time.”

“But thankfully, I found out about the Manchester Carers Forum who offered me so much support.”

The Manchester Carers Forum gives a voice to carers like Gaynor, organising breaks away and providing training and activities.

She has found lots of new friends through the forum and is so grateful for the support she receives. Importantly, she doesn’t feel like she’s on her own anymore.

Gaynor said: ‘My caring role became so much easier thanks to the forum. And now my Christmases are worry free, thanks to Park.’

It was an accident that she stumbled across Park five years ago. Her daughter Kate had bought a magazine and in it, Gaynor saw a Park advert about budgeting for Christmas.

“I thought it was a great idea,” said Gaynor. “I ordered a free catalogue and then tried to decide what to save for.

“Times used to be hard financially. But by putting by a little each week with Park I knew I’d be able to afford Christmas. Since that first year I’ve never looked back.

“This year I’m planning to buy Love2shop vouchers, perfume and aftershave, but who knows what I’ll have my eye on next year – it’s all part of the fun.

“Even now, five years on, I still enjoy receiving my new catalogue and seeing what new things are available.”

Gaynor also helps six of her friends save for Christmas and she enjoys meeting them regularly for a catch-up and a cuppa.

“I earn commission on all of our orders too, which I like to use towards my last payment of the year,” she added. “It’s a great help!”

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