Women of Park #IWD2023

To mark International Women’s Day 2023, Park’s saving experts are acknowledging the hard work our incredible female savers and agents do to make Christmas magical.


7 March, 2023

Let's hear it for the women of Park

Every year, International Women’s Day is on Wednesday 8th March. Celebrated across the world, it’s a day to champion women and all their achievements.

This is something we at Park HQ wholeheartedly support, so we've decided to celebrate some of Park's awesome female savers and agents.

We can do this!

International Women’s Day has a long history. Started in 1909, the movement was initially about supporting the rights of female factory workers in the USA. It wasn’t until 1911 that more countries began to recognise the day and it took until 1977 for International Women’s Day to be recognised by the United Nations.

Park’s saving experts reached out to some of our customers and agents to hear their thoughts on International Women’s Day…

Hello, my name’s Sharon, I’m an agent with Park. My daughter Rachael is as well and I just want to shout her out for being the inspiring woman she is.

Rachael is 28 years old, married and has three beautiful daughters. In 2021, she found a lump on her breast, and was sent to the hospital after her doctor looked at it. After having some tests, she was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of breast cancer. That’s when her battle began, as she started an intense course of chemotherapy. We all pitched in to look after the girls, but it was so hard to see Rachael go through things like losing her hair and being sick from the radiation. No matter what happened, or how she felt, she continued being an incredible mother. After fighting with all her heart, she finished having chemo and was told she was free of any cancer cells.

In August just gone, Rachael decided to have a mastectomy to reduce the chance of her breast cancer coming back. After the operation, she came home, rested and got better. I’m so proud of her. She’s now cancer cell free, her hair is growing back and she’s also working part-time as a carer. Rachael is incredibly strong; is the bravest person I’ve ever known. She’s our fighter.

Sharon and Rachael (Park Agents), Park Christmas Savings

Hey, my name’s Joanne. I’m a proud mum of four and I have two wonderful grandchildren. One of them is autistic and has ADHD. Just recently, I’ve beaten cancer and lost my mum. Being a Park Agent and helping my customers has allowed me to focus my mind elsewhere, which has been a big help considering what I’ve gone through.

I became an agent due to struggling with the cost of Christmas. I also saw it as a way to help my friends and family out, who were in the same boat as me. Saving with Park is great, but I really love being an agent. I’ve met some wonderful people along the way, plus it gets me out of the house.

My advice to the women of Park is keep up the good work. Remember, we’re all amazing, beautiful and strong! International Women’s Day celebrates that and that’s why I love it. It shows just how incredible we all are.

Joanne (Park Agent), Park Christmas Savings

Hi there, my name’s Amanda and I’m a Park Agent. I’m a gran of three and I love to spend my time reading, as well as going for walks in nature.

I started saving with Park when my four children were little, as money was tight and saving for Christmas was causing me stress and worry. At the time, I lot of friends and family were members, being in the same position as I was. Being an agent with Park is empowering, as I help people save for Christmas. There’s nothing like seeing the smiling faces of my customers when I hand them their vouchers. The feeling of making a difference is just unbeatable.

Amanda (Park Agent), Park Christmas Savings