A summer’s day is the perfect opportunity for you to hit your local streets and parks in your quest to lose a few pounds or just to tone up. It’s an excuse to catch a few rays too!

Here are a few outdoor exercises that will leave you sweaty and worn out, but refreshed when you’re done!

PLEASE NOTE: If you have doubts about your own health, feel short of breath or suffer chest pains whilst exercising, consult a doctor immediately

Upper body – Push-ups

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Push ups are the most effective upper body exercise and by alternating the three basic movements – ‘standard, wide and close grip’ – you can work your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

If you’re struggling with push ups you can elevate your hands on a step to make the movement easier and if you want an extra challenge elevate your feet on a bench so you have to work your arms harder.

If you are really feeling brave you can even throw in some clap push ups!


Upper body – Chin-ups

Chin ups – also called pull ups – will test even the most avid of keep-fitters. They can be performed by hanging on to a sturdy piece of playground equipment, such as monkey bars.gym pics

Simply pull your body up completely until your chin is at or above the bar you’re holding on to, then slowly lower yourself back down, keeping control at all times.

Repeat for as many as you can do for the ultimate upper body workout!


Lower body – Lunges

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Work your legs and buttocks with no equipment whatsoever – just a bit of open space!

Step 1: Stand with legs together then lunge forward with your left leg.

Step 2: Bend your left knee and flex your hip so your rear leg is almost
in contact with the floor.

Step 3: Return to your starting position then switch legs and repeat 10 times.

Lower body – Squats
Squats work almost every muscle from the waist down but it’s important to do them right. As with lunges, all you need to do squats is a bit of open space.

Step 1: Stand with feet hip distance apart, pull your belly button towards your spine and slowly lower your body, as though you are sitting in a chair.

Step 2: Go down until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. If you can’t go down that low, go as low as you can and hold for three seconds.

Step 3: Keeping the weight in your heels, slowly push your body back to starting position, keeping a slight bend in your knees at all times. Repeat 10 times.

Always warm-up before exercising and stretch between sets.

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Whole body – Step-ups

Step ups give you a great cardiovascular workout and will push your leg muscles to their limits. Using nothing more than a bottom step or a low bench, simply step up onto the elevated surface, step down, and then repeat, leading with your other leg.

Complete three sets of 50 step ups (25 per leg), keeping your back straight and your head up the entire time.

Whole body – Uphill sprints
This exercise is exactly what it sounds like – running uphill. Sounds simple doesn’t it?

All you need to do is to find a stretch of grass or pavement that goes uphill, then run up it as fast as you can, walk back to the bottom, and repeat ten times.

You could even try a light jog back to the bottom to work your cardiovascular system harder.

Only try this if you can run a good 100-metre dash on level ground!