Yoga for Stress Relief

Park’s saving experts look into yoga for anxiety and stress relief.


2 May, 2023

Yoga for stress and anxiety

Yoga is one of the most popular forms of exercise, focusing on bettering our mental wellbeing. As of April 2023, 300M people all over the world practice yoga.

Studies also show ‘yogis’ of all different skillsets practice for a variety of reasons. 54% of people take up yoga to relieve stress, with 52% of those continuing to better improve their wellbeing. Park HQ have delved into the best yoga for stress and anxiety.

Benefits of yoga for stress

Stress-relief yoga offers practitioners a bevy of advantages, such as …

  • Mental relaxation. Practicing yoga for stress relief helps decrease the effects of feeling stressed, busy, or worried. Learn more about what stress can do to us by clicking here.
  • Reduces cortisol levels. When our cortisol levels are too high, we might feel unwanted symptoms like blood sugar imbalances, a decrease in bone density, reduced muscle tissue, high blood pressure, unable to concentrate, unwanted weight gain, a compromised immune system, and issues with thyroid function.
  • Encourages better sleep. Most adults need around seven hours of good-quality sleep, or at least maintain a better sleep cycle. Sleeping better at night encourages a healthier immune system, less chance of gaining unwanted weight, lowers the risk of serious health problems, better cognitive function, and reduces the likelihood of getting into accidents.
  • Relief of allergy and asthma symptoms. Many different yoga techniques are focused on breath management – opening up the chest, deep breathing, and controlling the amount of breaths we take.
  • Lowers blood pressure. Dizziness, blurry vision, and fainting are all symptoms of low blood pressure. Standing up can exacerbate these side effects, as well as suddenly changing position.
  • Spiritual growth. According to experts, spiritual wellness involves finding the meaning to life, and understanding the purpose behind the values, beliefs, and morals we adhere to. These principles should guide how we interact with the world around us. Spiritual growth doesn’t have to be a religious thing, as it’s related to developing a relationship with ourselves – learning to appreciate what makes us the unique individual we are.
  • Muscle tension relief. Experiencing muscle tension can range from slight discomfort, all the way to stiffness so intense we’re unable to move without being in pain. Yoga poses for stress relief are a super effective way to melt away any aches or pains.

Which type of yoga is best for stress and anxiety?

 Let’s take a look at some of the different types of yoga best suited for beating stress…

  • Nadi Shodhana. Also known as Alternate Nostril Breathing, this technique involves breathing from one nostril to the next. It aims to regulate the flow of fresh air through our nasal packages. This restores balance if we’re otherwise feeling out of alignment.
  • Kundalini. A form of yoga all about activating our Kundalini energy, which is spiritual energy found in the base of our spine. Chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses are the bases of Kundalini.
  • Bhramari Pranayama. This form of yoga takes its name from the black Indian bee, Bhramari. Dating back to the 15th century, Humming Bee Breath technique helps calm down frustrated minds.
  • Yin. Usually consists of passive yoga poses being for around five minutes, or longer for those with more experience. There’s a focus on the lower body, name the hips, pelvis, thighs, and base of the spine. Unlike other types of yoga, Yin targets our body’s deepest tissues.
  • Ashtanga. Translating to ‘eight-limbed yoga’, Ashtanga is viewed as a path leading towards enlightenment. It’s one of the most advanced forms of yoga, as it requires discipline, a high level of fitness, and an intense amount of focus.

8 yoga poses for stress relief

  1. Child’s pose. The most important resting posture in yoga, Child’s pose helps the body relax into a gentle position. It offers us an opportunity to catch our breath, make sure we’re not overdoing it, and prepare ourselves for the next pose. This simple pose can help relieve pain in pressure points such as our shoulders, back, hips, thighs, neck and ankles.
  2. Legs-Up-the-Wall pose. Many yogis believe this pose is particularly powerful, and has the ability to cure whatever ails us. It stretches our hamstrings, spine, glutes, and hips – taking any pressure we feel off our lower back.
  3. Hero pose. If we struggle with our posture, Hero pose strengthens our spinal alignment – also ensuring our breathing is bettered. Another benefit of the Hero pose is how it improves circulation. This is essential for our bodies maintaining an optimal sense of health. It helps wounds heal faster, keeps our hearts healthy, and even makes our skin look extra rosy.
  4. Extended Puppy pose. A well-maintained body is the end result of Extended Puppy pose. The pose stretches our spines, releases tension stored in our shoulders, calms the mind, improves flexibility, and strengthens our upper bodies.
  5. Tree pose. Classed as an intermediate-level position, Tree pose can be harder than it looks. If we’re feeling a little wobbly, we can lean against a wall to help balance us. The move focuses on the core, and increases an awareness of our bodies movements.
  6. Seated Forward Bend pose. From the nape of the neck all the way down to the balls of our feet, Seated Forward Bend is a full-body stretch. It serves to soothe the nervous system.
  7. Butterfly pose. A position for yogis of all levels, Butterfly pose is ideal for those of us suffering from tightness in our hips. This is because it improves our flexibility, and in turn works towards reducing muscle tension.
  8. Upward Salute pose. This poses stretches the belly, aiding to develop space in the chest and lungs region of our bodies. As a result, it’s a therapeutic relief for asthma and congestion. When practiced regularly, the Upward Salute pose can tone our bodies.